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Just 1 percent of people can find the hidden 9 in a sea of 6s in less than 9 seconds

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This isn't for the faint-hearted. This kind of - as well as and riddles - have some serious benefits that come along with the thrill of having bragging rights over your friends and family when you manage to solve it faster than them.

Studies have even shown that regularly attempting mental challenges like these can benefit your brain health - keeping the adverse effects of aging at bay and helping improve your memory, critical reasoning, and attention to detail. The upsides don't stop there though - because it's also widely reported that attempting these puzzles can help boost your mood, by giving you an increase of dopamine each and every time you solve one. So, try this challenging brain teaser below out - it might just make you happier and healthier.

As reported in , only a tiny minority of people can solve this one quickly - with only one percent of participants able to find the lone nine hiding in an absolute sea of sixes in just nine seconds. So, only one question remains - how fast can you find it?

If it took you longer than nine seconds to find the solo number nine, don't worry - you're in good company along with 99 percent of the general public. However, if you did spot it pretty much instantly, give yourself a serious pat on the back - and don't forget to send this on to all your pals just so they know who in the group chat has the best eye for detail.

The reason it's just so challenging to find the number nine is simply because it's incredibly well camouflaged. The way a six and a nine are written is pretty similar let's be honest, just in reverse, with the loop at the bottom for sixes and the top for nines.

If you simply cannot find the nine, then here is a clue: focus on the bottom right-hand corner of the image and see if you can find it now. However, if you're sick of searching or want to have the answer confirmed, scroll down for the result.


Our brains actually operate a little bit behind reality - but don't worry, it's only by a matter of milliseconds. This is because the information taken in by our retinas has to be processed by our minds, and this causes a minor lag. Most of the time, therefore, we rely on a constant stream of assumptions as we move through the - keeping us safe and coordinated - and this works out perfectly well.

However, puzzles like this one disrupt that process - and while for some people that can be a little bit unsettling, or even frustrating as you struggle to break down the exact details of what is in front of you - it can also pose an interesting question - how much attention are we really paying? By giving yourself the space to consider this every so often, you may well start to break down some of the assumptions you are relying on, or analysing things in more detail.

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